Category Archives: Europe

Entering the port of Le Havre, France

The port of Le Havre, at the mouth of the Seine River, is situated to the S and SE of the city of Le Havre and it is one of the most important French commercial ports and the leading French container port.

Entering the port of Brest, France

Brest Maneuver

Brest is a major French naval base as well as an important commercial, repair and fishing port. Rade Abri and Port Militaire, together with Port de Commerce close East, lie on the North side of  Rade de Brest. The harbour is protected by breakwaters.

Entering the port of Sines, Portugal

Entering Sines

Entering the Port of Sines

Porto de Sines is situated on the South side of Cabo de Sines – on the West Coast of Portugal – and extends up to 3 miles SE from the Cape. It is major industrial centre with deep water terminals equipped to handle all kind of vessels.