Tag Archives: Entering maenuver
Entering the port of Mombasa
Mombasa is the principal port of Kenya and Uganda. It is also a main port for several other countries in Central Africa including Rwanda, Burundi, Congo and Sudan. It is situated East of Mombasa island which is occupied by the town of Mombasa, the most important town on the East Coast of Africa, from Durban to Port Said.
Entering the port of Yantian
Yantian Harbour is situated in Guangdong Province in the NW part of Mirs Bay, close to the administrative border with the Hong Kong SAR. The harbour is a natural deep-water port and it is approached through Thai Peng Bay (Mirs Bay) and entered from the E. The principal berthing area consists of the Yantian International Container Terminals (YICT) in the centre of the harbour along with a basin to the West at Yantian West Wharf.