Tag Archives: Halloween Party on board

Halloween party on board HS Bach

Halloween party

Many people consider Halloween a children’s holiday or just a foolish way in which adults behave like children, but it is nothing wrong in this. Adults should never forget how to have fun and how to enjoy perfectly harmless children games in order to keep their spirit young as long as possible. Moreover, leisure and fun activities are always welcome on a vessel where people work many hours continuously without the prospect of enjoying peaceful and rewarding evenings in the warm and cozy environment of their beloved homes.

Halloween Party on board HS Debussy

Halloween party on board

Halloween is the funniest celebration that can take place on board. Most people may think Halloween is a children’s type of holiday, but when you are on the vessel – away from your family and friends – you are allowed to have your part of fun and a distraction like this can be the best and easiest alternative. Having fun – from time to time – is a way of recharging the batteries after a hard week of work and preparing yourself for a next one. The more people involved in the event, the funnier it could get and even the evenings that follow can be brighten up by the hundreds of photos and videos everybody shares with everybody.