Category Archives: USA

Approaching the Port of New Orleans, USA

Entering New Orleans

Approaching New Orleans

The Delta of the Mississippi River extends many miles into the Gulf of Mexico, in a generally SE direction. The river has a least width of 550 m and a clear unobstructed channel, with a few shoals close alongside the river banks. From its total length of 2145 miles, the part up to the port of New Orleans is ~ 95 miles in length.

Approaching Port Everglades, USA

Entering Port Everglades

Port Everglades is an artificial harbour, situated about 2 miles South of the city of Fort Lauderdale. It is an important commercial deep water port, handling different types of vessels and it is one of the major cruise ports in the USA.

Entering the Port of New York, USA

If the vessel you are travelling on is calling the port of New York, it is most probably that it will dock in Port Elizabeth or Port Newark – on the West side of Newark Bay, opposite from the big metropolis.